Brighton Jones Branding

From a traditional wealth management, to a holistic wellbeing firm

Dialing in the brand.

The first step was dialing in the brand. Planning for massive growth and scale of the companies aspirations, this brand guide worked hard to reimagine how to tackle an industry not known for its branding, and provide a chic to differentiate among its competitors.

Making things look great with brand guardrails in place.

With the guide in place I was able to replicate the look and feel of the Brighton Jones brand across, whitepapers, pitch decks, presentations and ads.

Investment Truths White Paper (1)_Page_1.jpg
Investment Truths White Paper (1)_Page_2.jpg
BJ AWW AD 062220 FINAL.jpg
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Slalom WLRL 2.7.20 -FINAL_Page_2.jpg

And probably the most entertaining to work on….

Was directing the annual dog calendar featuring the CEO’s amazingly trained pup.